The short answer is that electric scooters are not illegal in the UK, but they are subject to certain rules and regulations. Electric scooters are classified as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) and are subject to the same rules and regulations as motor vehicles. This means that they must meet certain safety standards and legal requirements to be used on public roads and pavements.
Currently, electric scooters are only legal to use on private land with the landowner's permission. They are not allowed on public roads, cycle lanes, or pavements, although trials of rental e-scooters are being carried out in some cities across the UK. These rental e-scooters must be rented from approved companies and have certain safety features such as lights and a maximum speed limit of 15.5 mph.
If you are caught using an electric scooter on public roads or pavements, you could be fined up to £300 and receive points on your driving license. You could also face criminal charges if you cause an accident or injury to yourself or others while riding an electric scooter.
It's important to note that the rules and regulations surrounding electric scooters in the UK are constantly evolving. The UK government is currently conducting trials of rental e-scooters in several cities, and it's possible that the laws regarding electric scooters may change in the future.
In conclusion, electric scooters are not illegal in the UK, but they are subject to certain rules and regulations. Currently, they are only legal to use on private land with the landowner's permission. It's crucial to stay up to date on the latest laws and regulations surrounding electric scooters in the UK to avoid fines or legal troubles. As always, it's important to ride safely and responsibly, whether you're using an electric scooter or any other form of transportation.